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1) Shengyu Fu, Xianghui Yin, Jia Fu, Yingying Li, Fudi Wang, Hongming Zhang, Cheonho Bae, Bo Lyu, Qianhong Huang, Yongcai Shen, Yichao Li, Liang He, Yifei Jin, and Xueyu Gong , "Application of high precision wavelength calibration method for plasmas rotation measurement based on Fabry–Pérot etalon on experimental advanced superconducting tokamak", Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 043504 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0083784

2) 计华健,张洪明,杨秀达,尹相辉,李克栋,何梁,符佳,王福地,沈永才,万顺宽,吕波,龚学余,龚先祖,臧庆,王嵎民,林新,王守信. EAST辐射偏滤器运行模式下等离子体杂质浓度评估方法[J]. 核技术, 2022, 45(3): 30501-030501.

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4) L. He, H. M. Zhang, B. Lyu, Y. C. Shen, C. Y. Li, W. C. Yang, J. Fu, X. W. Du, F. D. Wang, Q. P. Wang, X. H. Yin, S. K. Wan, B. Bin, Y. C. Li, S. Y. Dai, and B. Liu , "Development and preliminary test of a space-resolved vacuum-ultraviolet spectroscopy in EAST", Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 043519 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0040643

5) 秦丹峰,尹相辉,改进的 YOLO V3 算法及其在小目标检测中的运用分析

6) X. H. Yin(#); Y. Y. Li(*), et al. Geometrical effect in the measurement of the CXRS on EAST Fusion Engineering and Design 2019 148 : 111282

7) Yin X. H., Chen J, Hu R J, et al. Toroidal rotation induced by 4.6 GHz lower hybrid current drive on EAST tokamak. Chinese Physics B, 2017, 26(11):115203.

8) X. H. Yin, Y. Y. Li, J. Fu, et al, Improved spatial calibration for the CXRS system on EAST, Review of Scientific Instruments 2016 87(11): 11E539.

9) X. H. Yin, Y. Y. Li, J. Fu, et al. Wavelength Calibration of Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopic Diagnostic System on EAST, Acta Optica Sinica 2016(6):310-315. (in Chinese)

10) Y. Y. Li, X. H. Yin, J. Fu, et al. First measurement of the edge charge exchange recombination spectroscopy on EAST tokamak. Review of Scientific Instruments 2016, 87 (11):11E501

Y. Li, X. Yin, B. Wang, et al. Design of filter spectroscopy for the measurement of plasma ion temperature and rotation on the Experimental advanced Superconducting Tokamak tokamak. Chinese Optics Letters 2015(13): S21202



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