i will let you down…

I haven’t really talked about it much over the past year but my dad has been sick. A year ago last week he walked into the emergency room and after a battery of tests he was informed that he had cancer. He underwent six months of chemotherapy. Friday they rescanned him and today he went in to learn the results. It doesn’t look good. The chemo did nothing. He doesn’t know how he will be moving forward yet. Second to his pain and suffering, I am really struggling with the idea that there is nothing I can do to make this stop for him. He is such a strong person. He did everything right and everything he could do. No matter what happens I couldn’t be more proud of his effort over the last year and am forever grateful.

Please keep my dad and our family in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.

i’ve been here…


I know everyone is saying this but Fall is here! That means my birthday month will soon be upon us. Yes, I said my birthday month. It isn’t as special as it sounds, just mainly in my mind. My inner nerd asked Zach for an online subscription to the New York Times. You only get 10 free articles a month and that just isn’t enough. The At War Blog is probably my favorite read.

hear you me…

dog tag installation

Today is September 11th. I know you know this. I think our first reaction on today is to remember where we were and what we were doing 11 years ago. But I don’t like to think about that day. How has what happened 11 years ago impacted your life? Where are you today? How have you changed?

I am different. My life is different. I live nearly 1,000 miles away from my home, just outside a military installation. Eleven years ago I would have never imagined this would be my life. So much has happened. I am now sure that any day you live to tell about is a good day.

I am married to a service member. He used to be in the Air Force and now he is in the Army. At the time of September 11th he was an 15 crew chief. Now he is an EOD tech. A fellow EOD tech from his Battalion was killed in Afghanistan ten days ago. The part of the Battalion not deployed had a memorial service for him on Monday morning. My husband told me his widow was inconsolably sobbing. I can’t stop thinking about her. I wonder how she feels. Does she have someone to be there for her and with her? Will she be ok? Will their son be ok?

Hug your loved ones tightly, if you can.


after a storm westside

The summer feels never ending here in North Carolina. And I still hate it here as much as the first day we arrived. I don’t know when we’re leaving, but just knowing that someday, sooner than later, we will… I miss the Midwest so very much, the smell, the trees, the people, the places, the kindness, and my home.

My dad called Monday morning. It worried me when I saw him on the caller ID, normally we talk in the afternoons, I was worried he was back in the hospital, thank goodness he wasn’t. He was down this week, he thought he only had one chemo treatment left, but he actually has three. It’s hard for me to talk to him, because his life is dictated so very much by cancer and discomfort. Sometimes, it feels like it’s something you could defy by not acknowledging “it,” meaning cancer, which is still very hard for me to actually say. I wish there was more I could do, I wish I could be in Chicago every day. He is such a fighter though and I don’t even think he realizes it.

I am going back to school this semester. I’m taking all online classes. Mainly, in case something happens with my dad and I have to go back home, it will be easier to keep up. I would have liked to go this month, but a root canal got the financial better of me. Any one want to by any prints?